Since 1997, regulations of the Bank of Thailand state that all commercial banks registered in Thailand, all branches of foreign banks, all finance companies and credit foncier companies must use the services of appraisal experts or appraisal companies for the valuation of collateral. These experts have to be registered under The Valuers Association of Thailand (VAT) and Thai Valuers Association (TVA) to handle the valuation projects. The VAT is also in charge of setting the maximum fare for all valuation jobs in Thailand according to the specification of each property.
When property valuation is needed?
Despite the fact that there is still no Law or Act to define exactly when the valuation is needed we can identify some of the reasons as shown below:
Valuation division in CPM Capital
CPM Capital qualified valuers are allcertified by the Valuer Association of Thailand under the control of Securities Exchange Commission of Thailand and are rigorously following international standards and ethics as recognized by the International Valuation Standard Committee (IVSC) and the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS).
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Bangkok, Thailand